Exactly 2 years ago I started blogging.

May 2006 - July 2006
I never thought of achieving anything out from blogging; so I thought why not just keep a personal page running for the sake of FUN... FUN... FUN... (not that fun lah actually)
just like many of my friends did back then.

July 2006 - January 2007
Heaps of things have happened in my life since I wrote my first entry.
The good thing is that I managed to keep quite a substantial amount of those happenings documented here in my blog.
It's like a diary to me, no doubt!

February 2007 - July 2007
I love experimenting things, just like what I did to my blog layout previously. Some people say it's too ugly because of hell lots of information and stuffs, while very few appreciated what I did.
Nevertheless, I kept to a simple passion - that is never stop updating my blog, even though I will not have so much time to spare than before.
To me, it's better to at least post some pictures here rather than leaving the blog idle for too long and for no reason.

July 2007 - May 2008
Even my Dad reads my blog nowadays, so I should use my blog to update Dad and my family members about me living in Australia.
I agreed with what prominent non-political blogger Kenny Sia said that running a blog is a balancing act between important things and "the-not-so" important things in one's life, and also helping us stay true to our ownself.

Malaysia City launched last year...
Other points are so true as well, that include sharing interesting things to our mates or providing some entertaining content to our readers and becoming socially responsible.
Not to mention, blogs are communicative medium for one to to express him/herself.
I realize that running a blog is similar to managing your own company or property. There's some sort of self-manage attitude that you will discover that is very much akin to managing real life things.
This is vital for me as I grow up and make decisions for my living and career in the future.
May 2008 - beyond...
And lastly, my blog turns 2 today. This is by far the longest something that I've kept doing without less interest (sometimes got lah). Haha I guess it will last a few more years but hey who knows?

Now, I present to you my latest blog layout. Hope you all like it :) Let me know!