Bye Bye Two Friends
Another farewell? Yes...the above photo taken after a talk show.

Christien, his wife Lavin, Ps Julie and Linda Khoo
I attended this week's Talk Show, in which popular NTV7 celebrities Christien & Lavin (also former Miss Malaysia runner-up) shared on an exciting topic concerning "Temptations in the Entertainment World". Here's what they have to say, quoted and sourced from GT Youth during the approx. 45 minutes interview.
In the opening, Lavin said that "it is part of the industry which you must be prepared to handle, and only God can give you wisdom to face each circumstance."
Christien added that "pray, pray, pray, until something happens, praying with each other strengthens our (your) relationship."
On their upcoming second child, Lavin expressed that "this was a real test for our (the couple's) faith especially with a high chance of fetul deformity as a result of the medication...this baby is really God's gift."
On the recent "scandal" rumors in the local media, Lavin confidently responded "God has given us a sense of peace and calmness in all situations and through His word has provided us with much wisdom."
To draw a meaningful conclusion, these words tell us that we must continue to trust Lord and persistently walk in our faith; and by doing so He will help us to overcome any 'temptations' and challenges in our lives.
*** Next week, watch out for my upcoming Monash Ball Royale Escapade (at Palace of Golden Horses) photo post.
Tags: GTRS, Malaysia Celebrities and Patchay-Blogspot.