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Ipswich City Part III

13 August, 2007 | Written by Patchay at 7:03 PM in

Ipswich Part III of III : University Ipswich Campus

Ok guys, I'm studying at The University of Queensland (UQ) main campus at St Lucia, Zone 2 of Brisbane City. Below is one of another two campuses of my university - at Ipswich, and another one at Gatton (have not been there).

Located 10 minutes by bus from Ipswich City Square is UQ's newest campus. Many of the buildings here are old, but restored, including some State heritage-listed structures built 100 over years ago.

The "Welcome to UQ Ipswich Campus" impression is so much better than the one in my so-called main campus.

The first cowboy-looking house I saw when I stepped out of the public bus.

Tranquility on-campus. Very nice indeed.

University Drive carpark

School of Health Sciences (I guess so?)

Back lane...

Life is so slow here - 15km per hour. Beware of your speed, drive or walk, because the security car could chase after you if you exceed the limit LOL.

After class, chill-lah outside. Traditional wooden tables and chairs already provided.

The feeling, ambience, atmosphere is sooooo... unique... traditional... historical... pleasing... untouched, Wild Wild West. I really don't know how to describe it.

When I was here, a lecture was going on in this house. With modern facilities inside... you know!

On higher ground...

Classroom(s)... haha I'm soo lovin' it!

Building 28: Arts and Contemporary Studies

Modernity and heritage combination. There are many al fresco style cafes around, but one thing this place is damm QUIET. No life.

Instruction: "Go up the little wooden stairs, walk along this verandah and enter your designated classroom."

Please bear in mind this is a University, not tadika (kindergarten)! How cool...

The words on the wall state: UQ Boilerhouse - A Community Engagement Centre.

Huh apa ini, sumore got soo long chimney?

Apparently, this building was formerly a hospital's boilerhouse or steam room built in 1913. Now it is used as a community research centre.

UQ Business School Ipswich Campus

Omg so much bigger, nicer and more sophisticated than my Business School at main campus. It's so large here but I could rarely see any student inside.

Business School (left) and Library (right)

*** ***

UQ Ipswich Campus Library

This is an award-winning eco-friendly library.

Wow... mini rainforest inside Library...

Library services counters

Ground floor e-zone. Basically area for computers and projectors.

Discussion area. There's even a stream of flowing water (looks like a drain to Me haha) by the side of walkway.

Very nice place to study and have a siesta!!! (btw I haven't even posted pictures of my main campus libraries right?)

Study area upstairs...

*** ***

Campus sports lane. Adjacent is the usual UQ Sports Centre.

Campus sided by a fence-less humongous Golf Course. Literally one foot out of campus is this huge parkland. Next to it is Ipswich Show Grounds.

I don't know what is this red roof thingy... can't remember. Never mind. Anyway it is a landmark structure in this campus. Hahaha hilariously small, weird, insignificant to Me...

Alright guys. Bus stop and yes this is the end of University Ipswich Campus tour.

*** ***

Here comes the END of my series of tours. To my faithful readers, I thank you all for viewing my photos. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! In coming months, I'll continue to travel to different places and of course more and more photos will come. --Don't get excited now!

Anyway, semester has started so I'll be pretty busy with studies etc. Following this post, I'll blog about the things I did during holidays apart from my tours.

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